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Data Capture Solutions for Digital Identification Requirements

Digital identification cards are quickly emerging throughout the world, with many countries and U.S. states rolling out new ID systems. This emerging era of digital identification will impact numerous industries that will need to upgrade their equipment, applications, and identity verification processes.

Customers are using the convenience of digital IDs for activities such as checking into a hotel, renting a car, and even casting their votes in elections. With industries such as hospitality, retail, banking, and even law enforcement starting to accept these credentials, it's a necessity that applications implement data capture solutions that are equipped to read this technology.

Socket Mobile provides advanced data readers that capture information from digital IDs, transfers that information to an application that verifies the ID holder, and then allows the verifier to make the appropriate decisions regarding successful ID verification. Our data capture solutions provide quick and reliable scanning and reading of digital IDs, allowing your applications to adapt seamlessly to this new digital era.

Try it free.

Test out our data reading and scanning technology for free with SocketCam. The SocketCam C820 lets you scan directly into your feature application using the camera on your mobile device, ensuring high-performance scanning without the need for an external barcode scanner.